We are but food for the gods, Pop-Up printable diorama

We are but food for the gods, Pop-Up printable diorama

Assemblage + Time

Adam Graham does not exist. Which is to say Adam Graham is a variant of a juridical person. An association of objects, rituals, people and personalities. Adam Graham is an experiment in Deleuzean difference/multiplicity applied to the legal and cultural realm. Adam Graham is an assemblage, a construct of multiple individuals, objects, and personalities, which constitute Adam Graham. These individuals converge to become a single "identity,” of which Adam Graham is the linguistic marker. Adam Graham is an “assemblage-self” and an “assemblage-association of identity.”

All content of this page (photos, videos, updates, timeline info, etc.) is generated as an artistic work by this “assemblage-self” (known as Adam Graham) that is spoken for by the natural person of Adam Graham. Each item of content is put through an intense process of deliberation and creation, as we work to create a new mode of narrative art.